Apart from protecting your investment in crops, many farmers have also made a significant investment in livestock. Not only do these animals provide eggs, milk and meat, but they also haul equipment and help with other duties around the property. It’s easy to take pigs and chickens for granted when they are part of your daily life. But what would happen if you lost a portion of your livestock?

Once you consider the value of your livestock, it becomes easy to see that protecting these animals should be a key element of your farm insurance policy. Though your policy can be tailored to the needs of your business, there are three main livestock coverage options for your consideration.
- Individual: This may be good insurance option if you own animals of value, like a stud horse. You can set your coverage limits based on each animal.
- Herd: This offers more generalized coverage for herds of animals. For instance, you can specify 100 pigs or 300 goats. This is a common form of livestock insurance for farmers who own many animals.
- Blanket: Blanket coverage may extend beyond the protection of your livestock. Policies may provide coverage for buildings, equipment, hay, livestock and more—all for one lump premium.
Caring for livestock can be a fickle job that depends on many factors outside of your control. However, the loss of your animals does not have to be a crippling blow to your business. Talk to an independent insurance agent to find out how farm insurance can help protect your livelihood in the face of disaster.
We’ve got you covered. Call The Insurance Station for more information on Altoona, IA farm insurance.